Photo of Natascha Crammond

Natascha Crammond

Hockey Womens (ICSM): 2nd Team Captain

Hi girlies, I’m Natascha Crammond and I’d love to be 2s Captain! 😍 Having come to nearly every social this year and playing almost every single game for the last 2 years💪 I have extensive knowledge of our team 🤓. Therefore, I’d love to lead this team into more wins with numerous subs as well as making our training on Monday more enticing to encourage full commitment. I’d be keen on implementing specific 2s training building team unity and confidence, before putting the skills to use at the end playing mixed matches. I’d also keep the option of travelling to matches as a team and sending the details of games in advance of the season on top of the weekly reminders. Potentially I may be keeping team lists hidden to encourage more players and fewer last-minute dropouts if needed 👀. However, there would always be sweets midgame to keep the energy up and lure people to games🤤!!

I’d also increase our number of socials to one a term– already looking forward to a sequel of ice-skating at Somerset house 🤩. Potentially post-matches debriefs as well, with pizza once a month for a catch up and discussion on our game and future training, so our team is ever more unified with everyone feeling welcome and actively partaking in improving our team. Ultimately, I’m aiming for everyone to play our games, not only for our inevitable winning streak, but also out of pure enjoyment for the game and love for our team🫶