Photo of Koyna Bajaj

Koyna Bajaj

Fellwanderers (Imperial Hiking Society): Deputy President Communication


I'm Koyna, a 2nd-year Chemical Engineering student, and I'm excited to run for Deputy President of Communications. Back in highschool, I served as the head girl for two years, and that experience taught me a lot about leadership, teamwork, punctuality and the important of being consistent & reliable.

If I'm elected, I want to make sure our society's social media is always updated with details of our hikes and upcoming events! I also want to collaborate with other clubs to bring you more fun activities besides hiking. Isn’t it the more the merrier!

Additionally, I've been working as a graphic designer for the ChemEng Pipeline Magazine, so I have some skills to bring to the table in terms of making our social media and website look great. (I will definitely make sure that our posts are as aesthetic and captivating as the hikes we go on!)

Hiking has been a big part of my time at university, and I'd love to give back to the society that's given me so much.

I hope you'll consider voting for me, Thank you! :)