Mountaineering: Web Master


Zak Leek

I have many years of experience in photography, videography and editing; and a couple of years of experience using social media such as Instagram and YouTube. I have my own website that I regularly update with photos and videos of my projects, so know how to maintain online content. I've already made 2 videos of the trips I went on last term, and will continue to make them as long as I have any free time! YouTub ...

Ruairi Shannon

As a candidate for the Web Master position, I am committed to rejuvenate our club's online presence, making it a gateway for adventure and community. My mission is to simplify access for newcomers and enhance engagement for our current members. I believe our club is not just an activity group but a crucial social circle within the university, and I intend to expand its reach and impact through: Streamlined Infor ...