Photo of Naina Anandaraj

Naina Anandaraj

Skate Society: ICE Manager

Hi guys! I’m Naina and I’d love to be your Ice Manager next year! I skated for a few months when I was younger and I joined SkateSoc this year to pick up my love for skating again.

My priorities for SkateSoc next year focus on growth and enjoyment :) For example, I aim to expand our activities beyond weekly skating lessons and organise more social events, both with KCL and just for us, such as outdoor skates in the wintertime, club dinners and sports nights! I would also encourage partcipation in the extra activities available to us as KCL associates, such as the intercollegiate Varsity performance and the annual trip to Sweden!!

I would like to establish active communication channels and ensure everyone is aware of the current discounts/refunds associated with skating with our society, and I’d also explore ways to subsidise skating more so that it can be more financially appealing to current and incoming members. I am keen to develop more club merchandise and I would also promote local reputable skate shops so that everyone is able to buy and maintain quality equipment at a reasonable price.

Of course, I will uphold the amazing relationship we have with KCL Wolves and expand the presence of ICL SkateSoc so we can flourish even more! Overall, I want everyone to have a more fun skating experience next year and I am passionate to see the club develop as a wholesome, welcoming and fulfilling society! 😊