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Diya Mahesh

Art Club: Assistant Junior Treasurer

Hi there, I'm Diya. I'm sure some of you know me from our Friday socials every week. It has been a pleasure getting to know so many of you and witnessing everyone's skill during the weekly classes and laid-back afternoon get-togethers!

Why I thought running for this position would be beneficial:

Having been a member of this society for nearly two years, I understand the value of the treasurer and the need to create budgets in order to offer new opportunities for creative individuals like us. Throughout the last couple months, I've seen the art room's buy recommendation whiteboard has been growing over time, but most of the items on there have taken some time to become recognised. If I'm given the chance to be the junior treasurer the next year, I will make sure that these suggestions and views are voiced and are promptly confirmed with the head treasurer and the union.

As a regular member, I want to create a society that is enjoyable and exciting for everyone and future memebrs, make sure that our art room meets the demands of all users, and make sure that money is allocated appropriately!

Over and out!
