Photo of Benjamin Tan

Benjamin Tan

Gliding: Publicity

Hey everyone, I'm Ben, currently a second-year mechanical engineering student. I was introduced to the gliding society by Alex, and ever since attending the first trip of the year, I've completely fallen in love with it. This year, I've been participating in weekend trips and even went to the winter tour at the Scottish Gliding Centre at Portmoak, and after getting the Lasham membership I'm currently working towards getting my solo license. I'm incredibly thankful for everything the committee has done this past year to make gliding so enjoyable for me. However, I also have some fresh ideas to attract new members and make the society even more fun. My ideas include, but are not limited to, hosting more social events in the Union/Wetherspoons, organizing aviation-themed board games or quiz nights, and planning a weekend trip with a gliding photo competition (I've realized many members are keen photographers; I'm not one of them, though, as I am actually extremely camera-shy, hence the photo used here). There's also the possibility of collaborating with other universities' gliding societies. I'm also committed to continuing the good work of the previous committee in managing the social media accounts, the website, and bringing back the merch that we sadly missed out on this term. If my vision for the society resonates with you, please vote for me. Thank you, and I hope to see you at the airfield!