Badminton: Events Officer


Jason Arya

Hi everyone, socials have been a success this year, hopefully they will be even more busy next year. One idea is having a tour and I'd love to organise one. Also reintroduce lunch after training would be nice. I'd love to host pres for ACC and organise favourites such as the karaoke or ice skating. Also badminton should have a proper dinner that could be organised, as well as more small frequent events throughout the ...

Prakriti Raman

Hi guys! For those who don't know me, I'm Prakriti!! I'm a member of the team and was in the role of mixed captain this year, however I'm so excited to be running for Event's Officer for next year!! I love badminton, and the IC society is so lovely and supportive, however, I think we can all agree that the social aspect of the society needs some working on... SO here are my proposals for the following year: 1 ...