Photo of Oli O'Malley

Oli O'Malley

Ice Hockey: Social Secretary

As we all know, Devils are the best hockey team in the entire country. Not just in terms of pure performance but because of our brilliant socials that have great turnouts week after week. I plan on continuing the exceptional work this year of Mr Ben Eze, and to keep the party going throughout next year. You know I will absolutely commit to this role based off my commitment to socials this year, and if elected for this position will:

  • Continue with lethal late fines
  • Making the devil’s juice as toxic as possible (while limiting any permanent damage to emotional scarring)
  • More joint socials with other Unis
  • More Hockey movie nights
  • Let the devils choose mine and (my amazing persuasive skills permitting) the rest of committee’s outfit for an 3 socials over the next year (including things such as varsity and nationals)
  • More drinking games (while keeping the classics such as Reece’s Special Game)
  • And obviously keep destroying slug