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Harriet Dray

Cross Country & Athletics: Social Secretary

I'm Harriet, a first year member of ICXCAC and I'm running for Social Secretary.

I've participated in a few different running clubs over the years and the main thing I have taken away from each one is the relationships I've formed being apart of these communities. The social side has always been the draw to keep going back even when the running was difficult and I've found this to be the same for ICXCAC. As social secretary, I would hope to organise socials and events that not only provided a good time but helped build the relationships within the club so that every intervals and breakfast run can feel like a social. Essentially I would want the social side of running to extend beyond those Wednesday evenings. I have found the community and people at ICXCAC to be incredibly social and welcoming and it would be an honour to take on this role next year to help contribute to this atmosphere not only for the new freshers but the current members.

I would really appreciate your vote :)

Thank you!