Photo of Lok Lau

Lok Lau

Archery: Records Officer

Hi, it's me again.

For those who don't know me (How?) I'm Ricardo, the current captain of imperial archery club. This will be my 3rd year on the commitee. I'm running as your records officer next year as it's a more chill job then being captain, as it will be my final year of my medical school course and exam hell will decend on me.

I am confident in handling the job of being records officer. This year (2023-2024) Mohammad was not elected till late autumn, so I had taken over the additional task of records officer at the start of the year, thus I'm very familiar with the task

In addition to running competitions and sorting out external competitions, I promise to add more achievable milestone like badges and bother people until they are the best archer they can be.

Vote for me bois