Photo of Prijith Pradeep

Prijith Pradeep

AnimeSoc: Treasurer

Hey again! Ran for this again because we didn't have any candidates for a while, so sorry if it turns out there's more people running.

Having been treasurer this year, I'd say I have a set of things I'd like to see happen the next year with the society's finances. In my opinion, these would be some of the things next year's treasurer would probably want to look out for:

  • Making sure our income reserves don't plummet too hard over the next year so that we have a decent buffer to run events with
  • Make sure how to keep finances with our band performances somewhat sustainable especially with the rising hire costs (note: It's okay to make a loss as long as you don't burn 300-500 pounds each live or something)
  • Spend on more ICAS events and incentivise membership. Things like subsidising MCM tickets, potentially more conventions like HyperJapan, and subsidising cosplays and outfits for events like Maid Cafe.

Tbf, being Treasurer isn't too bad. Feel free to ask me questions whenever and I'll be happy to help out. Good luck!