Photo of Gabriel Tong

Gabriel Tong

AnimeSoc: Treasurer

Hi, I'm Gabriel from physics year 2, or you may know me in discord as Maidenless(?). To me, ICAS is a place where I can enjoy anime with friends, or simply hanging out. That is why I am running Treasurer next year, to contribute our ICAS with more money.

A little bit introduction. Just like everyone here, I love anime, especially romcom. I'm also into jpop and JAZZ, and I play the saxophone in Melon Band (very recently, some reasons). I'm aware that the largest expense is Melon Band, which being in it gives me more details on the band expenses, easier to do budget planning. I was also a treasurer in my secondary school class committee. I believe, with my excellent maths and excel skills (trust me=ω=), I am capable of managing budgets and paperworks, pushing grants from union, and much more.

To make it short, if I'm elected, I will

1. Do what a normal Treasurer does, paperworksssssssssss :)

2. Reserve more budgets for Melon Band in cases shit happens :(((((((( (plz dun, hopefully)

3. Try to get more grants and subsidies for more internal events, say movie nights, MCM trips, or just snacks+drinks on Wednesday Sessions

4. Coop with other LAU AnimeSoc financially

5. Introduce my nice tastes on music and romcom to everyone (no?)

6. Give my best to make ICAS GREAT and RICH AGAIN
(don't go bankrupty is my ultimate goal honestly_.___.__________)

If you have any question, feel free to ask me in discord. :D