Photo of Yun Hui Tan

Yun Hui Tan

Singapore: Secretary

Hi everyone! My name is Yun Hui and I am running for Secretary of Singapore Society!

Singapore Society has been a major part of my life in first year. I play Elizabeth, the female lead, in Major Event. Attending the multiple rehearsals has honed my acting skills and built my confidence, and I fostered invaluable camaderie with my fellow cast members and of course music and dance. In addition, the various activities organised by SingSoc, from the Pre Departure talk, Orientation Camp, to the Christmas Party and more, have helped me forge meaningful friendships and given me excitement for school life, especially in this huge transition to studying in London.

I am grateful for all that SingSoc has given me and I would love to give back to this amazing community! As Secretary, I would help organise PDT and publicise events, which are things I resonate with. I really look forward to helping freshers find a community and support network just as I did. Perhaps, I could implement a long-term buddy system with regular meetings within each course to further facilitate this.

I had prior experience planning and organising concerts, as well as planning the recruitment drive and mentoring juniors as Exco of Choir CCA in JC. I also led the creation of the newsletter and helped with creating publicity materials for activities as Publicity Rep for the Mathematics interest group in JC. I believe my organisational and leadership experience would enable me to serve wholeheartedly as Secretary of ICSS.