Photo of Elsa Maillard Philippon

Elsa Maillard Philippon

Art Club: Secretary

Hi, my name is Elsa, I’m a first year biochemist and I have been an active member of the art club.

I have previously done volunteering for a veterinary charity and was also a student representative in school, so I know about the importance of effective communication and keeping a society organised.

If you vote for me as secretary I’ll make sure to be in the continuum of what has been done this year especially by keeping you up to date with what is happening each weekend and answering your questions. I found the information process very smooth this year as a new member of the art club and this is why I don't expect to make big changes in this regard.

I could nevertheless bring new ideas on how to improve our experience. One point I'd like to suggest changing is to have sessions paid individually even for the courses over several weeks (like the life drawing one) to allow more people to come and have a try at something new without committing to the whole course.

I also would love to organise a brainstorming meeting at the beginning/end of each year to hear your suggestions, for specific workshops or general art club organisation.

Lastly, if you guys are interested it could also be fun and interesting to organise talks with artists so they can explain how they work and get inspired!

Come and talk to me about my application if you wish to !