Photo of Jay Etim

Jay Etim

Musical Theatre: Secretary

Hello all! My name is Jay, and here are a few reasons I believe you should elect me as the next secretary of MTSoc:

  1. Organizational Skills 📓
    I excel in managing administrative tasks, from record-keeping to schedule coordination, ensuring smooth operations behind the scenes.
  2. Attention to Detail 🖊️
    With a meticulous nature, I ensure nothing falls through the cracks, whether it's updating mailing lists, booking rooms, or communicating crucial information.
  3. Communication and Collaborative Abilities 🫂
    I articulate ideas effectively, listen to feedback, and foster open dialogue to ensure all members feel heard and valued.
  4. Innovation and Adaptability 💻
    I embrace innovation and am open to exploring new ideas, technologies, and approaches to enhance society operations and member experiences.
  5. Proven Track Record 👨‍🎓
    With demonstrated leadership roles and contributions (for example, Academic Year Rep), I have a track record of making meaningful contributions and delivering results.
  6. Vision for the Future 🚀
    I have a clear vision for the society's growth and success, dedicated to advancing its mission for future generations of musical theatre enthusiasts. I mean, just look at how gorgeously I've formatted this manifesto.

In summary, I offer organizational prowess, communication skills, a passion for musical theatre, and a collaborative mindset, making me an ideal candidate for Secretary. I am dedicated to serving the society and its members to the best of my abilities, and I ask for your vote to help me bring my vision to fruition.

(vote for me and i'll bake you cookies)