Photo of Loren Boles

Loren Boles

Boat: Secretary

Having rowed at Imperial for almost 3 years now, I like to think I have a decent idea of how things run. I also know that I like things to run smoothly. This is why I believe I am a good candidate for the role of Boat Club Secretary - I can combine my knowledge of the inner workings of ICBC with my love of things running smoothly when organising committee meetings, running mailing lists etc.

Other skills I can bring to the role:

-Organisation - I've been juggling rowing with my degree for 3 years and I haven't failed yet. And yes, I do actually go into placement and to all my lectures because I'm a nerd.

-Communication - part of the Boat Club Secretary's job is to run the mailing lists and, therefore, write emails. As is, I hope, being evidenced by this manifesto, I am competent at typing coherent text. Steering boats has also helped me refine my communication skills. In particular, I take full credit for teaching Yas how to take an actual 'light tap' as opposed to a max power stroke when lining up on the start line (and, despite what some of you might think, no physical threats or violence were actually used; just great commuication).

-Efficiency - not really sure how to prove this one. But to give you an analogy you might be familiar with, I'm like a super efficient generator (let's say 99% efficient) turning to-do lists into... nothing, because all the work's been done.