Photo of Cecilia Zheng

Cecilia Zheng

Fellwanderers (Imperial Hiking Society): Treasurer

Dear Fellwanderers,

As a candidate for the Treasurer position within the Fellwanderers, I am eager to take on the responsibilities integral to the financial well-being of our community. Here's how I plan to approach these tasks:

External Finances: Managing external finances will be a priority. This includes raising purchase orders (such as membership, pub and train tickets), managing imprests, and more. I am committed to maintaining accuracy and clarity in all financial transactions to uphold the fiscal integrity of our society.

Event Finances(Internal): For successful events, I will be responsible for submitting comprehensive event budgets, ensuring that we allocate resources effectively and provide memorable experiences for our members. We'll continue our regular teabreak event every Friday.

Funding Applications: Actively seeking income through funding applications and sponsorships is key. I will explore opportunities to secure financial support for our society, enabling us to enhance our offerings and experiences.

This year, I hope we could create a line of Fellwanderers-themed merchandise that not only fosters a sense of belonging within our community but also serves as a means to generate additional revenue for our society. Hoodies, stationery, and other items will not only be a source of pride for our members but also contribute to the financial health of our society.

Fellwanderers, by entrusting me with the Treasurer position, you are voting for a commitment to financial transparency, responsibility, and the sustained well-being of our beloved Imperial Hiking Society.