Photo of Rodi Rahman

Rodi Rahman

Bio Engineering: Treasurer

Hey Bioengineering Family!

I'm Rodi, a second-year Molecular Bioengineer, diving into the treasurer race to create an impact in how we experience our society. Here’s the lowdown on what I'm about and what I aim to do:

Why I'm Running: I’ve seen firsthand how the right funding decisions can turn good ideas into amazing experiences. I want to take our society’s budget and channel it into not just learning and career opportunities but also into the kind of events that make us all glad we chose this path. Think less about spreadsheets and more about making every penny count towards something memorable.

My Plan:

  • Smart Spending: Focus on what benefits us most – whether it's industry talks, workshops, or just a great night out.
  • More for Less: Work on getting more sponsors on board. More funds mean more amazing activities such as dinners without digging deeper into our pockets.
  • Your Voice Matters: I want to hear what you want your dues going towards. This society is ours, let's make it representative of who we are.

My Experience: I've managed finances at my family's restaurant, focusing on effective budgeting and cost management with suppliers and distributors. Additionally, as treasurer for my sixth form's cricket team, I oversaw our annual budget, ensuring resources were allocated wisely for equipment and events. These roles have equipped me with the skills to manage our society's finances efficiently.

Cast your vote for me – together, we'll make every penny count!