Photo of Maisie Newman

Maisie Newman

Physics: Treasurer

My name is Maisie and I am a second year physics student hoping to represent you as Physoc Treasurer!

I have previous experience in fundraising and managing budgets through a charity role in the RAF Volunteer Reserves. I therefore have skills in managing paperwork and claims in a separate capacity to the Union; this will allow for a fast integration into the Union's system.

As Physoc Treasurer, I hope to keep the tradition of pizza in the department a reality whist balancing this with the sustainability of the financial future of Physoc. I will also endeavour to allocate funds fairly and with the interests of students in mind. Working with the future Physoc President and Vice-President, I will make sure to outline a budget that is transparent and represents the wants and needs of the students. Furthermore, I will ensure that events are affordable for all, by making appropriate subsidies where possible and researching the most accessible activities available to us.

Looking forward to representing you and thank you for your consideration!