Photo of Laura Ellington

Laura Ellington

Boat: Captain


I'm Laura, I'm in fourth year and have rowed at Imperial since I arrived in 2020.

I think ICBC has something special in having an amazing community and performing at all levels, novice to international. I love this club so much that I decided to row here during my year out working in Maidenhead. To make it happen, I learnt to drive and bought my first car, and I'm hoping to bring that dedication into being captain!

To me, this is more than just a rowing club. I've met friends for life, I've been able to travel abroad (Turkey, Spain, and soon the Netherlands for the Heineken!) and made some great memories. ICBC has made my uni experience and I want to make sure that others get the same great experience I've had.


- good Pete-communication skills

- organised

- experience in dealing with the union as Secretary