Photo of Javier De la Fuente Guillen

Javier De la Fuente Guillen

Spanish: President

Hey everyone!

I am Javi, and I am excited to present my candidacy for the role of president. As a second-year Design Engineering student, I've witnessed the incredible diversity and passion within our society. Now, I'm want to take on the responsibility of leading us into an even more vibrant future, full of pub crawls, tapas events, football nights, networking sessions and friendly tournaments.

I present to you our brilliant team for this year: Jaime Lopez (Vicepresident), Guzmán Sánchez (Treasurer), Begoña Baltar (Publicity Officer), Francisco Coll (Social Secretary), Enrique Blasco (Secretary), and Jaime Narváez (Sports Officer). We will work together to bring to you the best events.

Gracias a todos