Photo of Emma Clarasó Batllori

Emma Clarasó Batllori

Spanish: President

Hola a todos!!

I’m Emma, a year 3 Physics student, and I am very excited to run for Spanish Society President for the upcoming year! During the past couple of years I have undertaken the role of Secretary of the society and, as such, my main task has been to communicate all the events and activities we have organised, as well as to work with the committee on planning them.

After these years, I feel like I know the society well enough to become President. I am excited to organise events that help keep the Imperial Spanish community connected, so we all feel closer to home. I would like to find a balance between social gatherings, like tapas nights, mus tournaments and pub quizzes; clubbing nights (we all love dancing to our music!) and networking events.

A lot of work this year has gone into securing sponsorships with some of our favourite clubs. As President, my main goal is not only to maintain these valuable relationships, but also to forge new ones, so that we can make our events even better!

I am very happy to see how much the Spanish Society has grown in the past couple of years, and I am grateful to have been part of the committee that has made it possible. I am sure that, as great as these past years have been, we will manage to make next year even better! Thank you so much for reading and for voting for me :))
