Photo of Evelina McElhone

Evelina McElhone

Bio Engineering: President

Hi everyone, I'm Evelina!

If my name looks familiar, it might be because you've been receiving ✨📣emoji-heavy📣✨, really exciting texts from me througout the year. Lucky for you, those will stop soon, as I’m running for President! (no promises you won't be receiving them from another annoying publicity officer next year - sorry)

Bioengineering society has been a huge part of my Imperial journey, right from the mums and dads pub crawl, where I met a lot of the friends that I still have today :') . It’s also been a massive help academically, from UROP 101 to alumni panels. Therefore I want to make sure that the incoming freshers, and our current cohort, continue to have a great, and potentially even better, experience. As a third-year BME student, I have spent the past year serving as the publicity officer for the Bioeng Society and as Treasurer for Irish Soc. Due to this experience within various commitee roles, I believe I have the variety of skills need to effectively and efficiently run a society.

As your President I hope to:

  • Get more feedback from members (google forms, open meetings) to improve communication within the society
  • Build on the success of cross-department events, such as the football (quiz nights, sports day)
  • Refresh the social events (climbing, pottery, pub socials)
  • Continue to build on the revision resources onedrive folder
  • Provide more affordable merch options (totes and socks anyone?)

Get in touch at, or say hi in person, if you have any questions!