Photo of Neo Perera

Neo Perera

Bio Engineering: President

The bioengineering society plays a crucial role in connecting students with their departmental beyond academia. Having been an events coordinator this year, I aim to build on the foundation laid by previous committees, increasing the variety and frequency of activities offered.

Securing Sponsorships to Increase Event Frequency and Quality:

Funds enable upscaling of the Christmas Dinner and Summer party, and more frequent flagship events, such as the return of the signature MBE Dinner and a Spring ball.

Fostering Inter-University Bioengineering Collaborations:

Partnering with external bioengineering societies like UCL and KCL to host joint events, expanding networking and learning opportunities.

Elevating Student-Staff Interaction:

The very successful Student Staff Social will be run termly, with a student-led band introduced, creating a battle of the bands, aiming to proliferate our community spirit.

Dynamic Leadership Team:

I am running with colleagues to form a pre-planned team, including student reps and committee members. We have already brainstormed an event timeline for next year.

Enhancing Industrial Engagement:

Continuing UROP 101 and internship 101, alongside more frequent hackathons and design challenges, offering valuable insights into the bioengineering industry for everyone.

Promoting Community via Sports:

Continuation of football, introducing a badminton team, and organising Summer Sports at Hyde Park to build camaraderie.

Charity Collaborations:

Running sponsored fundraisers for charities voted by Bioengineers themselves.

Expanding Social Media Outreach:

Utilizing TikTok and Instagram to showcase the vibrant life and accomplishments within the bioengineering department to a wider audience.

I hope to uplift the community with my management team and leadership!