Photo of Sebastien Shaw

Sebastien Shaw

Orchestra - Sinfonietta: Chair

A spectre is haunting Sinfo - the spectre of Seb. I have no idea idea what the position of chairman entails, nor do I intend to find out. All I know is that when given an ounce of power, I shall abuse it without hesitation. I am driven by no reason, no principles, nor moral compass - only a deep lust for power. My rule over sinfo shall be brutal and absolute, and all will tremble at the brilliance of my tyranny.

I shall make of Sinfo the greatest society ever to grace these collegiate halls. It will have no rivals, and shine so bright that even the great Abdus Salam could not help but be moved to tears. I haven't actually determined any plan of action to reach this ideal per se, but trust me, when I figure that part out it's going to be sick.

The hour of my rule is nigh. Open are the double doors of the horizon - unlocked are its bolts. Clouds darken the sky. The stars rain down; constellations stagger. The bones of the hell hounds tremble; the porters are silent. Know yee now what you must do. Vote for Seb, or suffer the consequences...

P.S. that last part was ripped from the opera Akhnaten - I thought it fit with the megalomaniac vibe I was going for. Go watch it, it's good.