Photo of Kaan Aksoy

Kaan Aksoy

Turkish: Chair

Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well. My name is Kaan and I’m a third year biomedical engineering student. For the past two years, I’ve been a part of the committee, first as the treasurer and then the events manager. During this period I did my best to help the organization of various academic and social events hoping that people would benefit from these for their careers or simply socialize with other Turkish people.

It was 2021 when I first participated in a Turkish Society event. I remember feeling at home thanks to other like minded people. Finally, after 3 years, I believe I gained a lot of experience to be able to lead our society as the president. I am still as excited as the first time, motivated by the same reason: contributing to this society in any way possible I can, but this time with more responsibility.

After a successful year full of different kinds of events, next year my primary goal will be to continue these events, focusing on creating a culture for future committee and society members to take over after we graduate. I would also like to create more opportunities for the members to meet and network with alumni and strong Turkish business people in London. All of this would only be possible with commitment, passion, and collaboration. As I always said, I am sure we’ll have a great time in Turkish Society in the following years.

Thanks for your votes and time,
