Photo of Amogh Krishnanand Atreya

Amogh Krishnanand Atreya

Indian: Vice President (Society)

9:36 pm. KP kitchen. Term 1.

It was a random kitchen dance night when my friendship with Raaga began, and it was desi music that brought us together. Indian dance and music just has the magic of bringing us all closer than ever - the songs we sing, the dances we dance are the reason Indiansoc is literally our family - it's our desi identity. The love that Indiansoc has shown us is what we hope to give back to you as VPs, by making indiansoc yours, and by bringing you closer to your people - more movie nights, games nights and more frienships.

Together, Raaga and I bring balance to the table, and our diverse talents are united by our indian values. We understand that your trust is a huge responsibility, but as current leaders in our departments, ham sambhal lenge.

So much love