Fellwanderers (Imperial Hiking Society): Deputy President Activities


Ameera Wan Mukhtar

If elected I would aim to: 1) Conduct post-hike surveys to improve the quality of upcoming activities based on the feedback given 2) Organise a variety of hikes to cater to different interests and abilities to enhance our club's inclusivity 3) Create partnerships with charity organisations and do fundraising hikes once per term 4) Hold a series of workshops on navigation and safety skills to equip members with es ...

Harry Su

Greets, As a fellow student of imperial who lived most his life in the UK, I barely explored the country 🗿. Even upon entering Uni, I expected spending most of my time sitting on my bum in the library. Fellwanderers offered me the opportunity to start ultilising my legs for the better and explore some of the prettiest areas I have seen thus far in life! If you ignore all the negative aspects of hiking, hiking is com ...