Photo of Bethan Fox

Bethan Fox

Materials: Vice President

As I reflect on my time as Secretary for Matsoc this past year, I realise I'm not quite ready to retire to the quiet life just yet, so vice presidency it is!

Our achievements this year are a testament to the dedication and hard work of our committee in revitalizing the society. Through increased social events, enhanced engagement initiatives, and the most successful Matsoc merch sale since 2016, we have made remarkable progress.

Seeing what we have accomplished in only two terms means I'm ready to take Matsoc to even greater heights. As VP, in charge of lunchtime lectures, industry trips, and maintaining relationships with companies, I'm keen to graft over the summer getting some more sponsors (which means more lunchtime pizza for you guys!) and lining up some cool speakers.

Now I have a much better understanding of how to run the society (including how much time it consumes!) and where we need to improve, I am confident another year on committee would make MatSoc even better. I'd particularly like to work towards improved inter-year bonding, starting with revamping the mums and dads scheme.

So vote for me if you want someone who is genuinely passionate about improving our society and is willing to put in the time and effort to do so, whether that's spending days on spreadsheets matching up freshers with their parents, or trying to explain to your bank why you're paying for the entire MatSoc dinner on your own card!

Matsoc love,

Bethan xx