Photo of Eddie Wong

Eddie Wong

Photosoc: Vice President

Hi everyone!

I'm Eddie, a first year Civil Engineering student from Hong Kong. I have always loved taking photos as a way to record my life, where I have been and what I have done. I have properly got into photography around 2 years ago when I owned my first camera.

Since I came to imperial, I started joining Photosoc events and have met wonderful people. From looking at others' photos and chatting with people, it gave me multiple perspectives on capturing the same subject. It inspires me on how I can approach my own, hence improving my photography skills.

If I am elected as vice president, I would organise more photo walks and workshops, as well as potentially collaborate with other universities photo socs to host events, giving members more opportunities to learn and socialise.

I believe Photosoc is a great community for those who seeks to improve their photo-taking skills and find friends of the same interest. Therefore, I would like to contribute to the community and share my passion for photography.

Thank you for taking the time to read my manifesto!