Photo of Fionnuala Mike

Fionnuala Mike

Bio Engineering: Vice President

Hey everyone,

It's Fionnuala again, and I'm thrilled to take this conversation to the next level. Stepping into the ring for the Vice President role is not just a move up the ladder for me; it's a commitment to elevate our bioeng experience. Having served as your Treasurer, I've delved deep into the inner workings of our society, understanding the nuances of collaboration with the department and navigating the approval processes. It's not just about knowing where the money goes; it's about knowing how to make things happen. Now, as I set my sights on the Vice President position, I'm ready to leverage this insider knowledge for the greater good.

Being a familiar face on the committee, I've seen firsthand the dedication and passion that each member brings to the table. As your VP, my mission is to be the backbone of support, working closely with every committee member to ensure our events and initiatives are not just successful but unforgettable. Having been a frequent flyer at our events this year, I've not only mastered the art of juggling snacks and schedules but have also gained invaluable insights into what makes our society tick. From informative sessions to epic club nights, I've been there, soaking in the vibes and understanding what you truly enjoy.

So, let's make this journey together. Vote for Fionnuala as your Vice President, and let's turn our shared vision into reality. I'm ready to take on this new adventure and make our society shine even brighter.