Photo of Hamzah Raza

Hamzah Raza

ICSMSU: Clubs & Societies Vice Chair - Sports and Arts

Hey everyone! I am Hamzah and I'm a third-year medic in the running for the Vice-Chair Sports & Arts role, to represent the interests of S&A societies and help them thrive. My active involvement in IMRFC and ICSM Water Polo since first-year has cultivated lifelong friendships and unforgettable experiences. Currently serving as the Treasurer for IMRFC, I'm responsible for financial management and negotiations to ensure the club's sustainability, having discovered the historical legacies of many other S&A societies along the way.

As a fresher buddy, I encouraged freshers to explore the diverse S&A societies, highlighting success stories in trying something new. Alongside traditional VCSA responsibilities (budgeting, support, representation) I aim to establish and bolster alumni networks for all S&A societies for funding, research, career advice etc. This would be massively beneficial to every other S&A society and would give opportunities for ICSM's highly accomplished alumni to give back to their beloved societies they gained so much from. I understand some societies may already have something like this in place, but I think every society deserves to benefit from its esteemed alumni.

Whilst it is important to remember the past, I would also like to welcome the future. I am committed to enhancing fresher experiences and equitable representation at events like freshers fair, fostering direct communication with society leaders. Through Instagram (@vcsahamz), I will campaign to help create a vibrant and inclusive S&A community.

Thank you for reading!