Photo of Linmo Lin

Linmo Lin

CGCU: Education Chair

Hi, I'm Linmo Lin, your CGCU Education this academic year, and hopefully next year as well!

It's been a great pleasure working with the current CGCU committee. We have hosted many wonderful events together. This year I am running again, not only because I want to keep those fun events running for everyone, but also I see much potential to provide more assitance to your academic lives! More events, more solutions!

From this year's experience, I have 2 main oberservations I want to tackle in my new term:

1.One of the major reasons of student discontent has been the lack of communcation between the deparments and the student body. Students lack an efficient channel to directly express their concerns. Some departments already have such channels, and they have been helpful for the students to understand unclear exam, coursework specificifications and etc. I aim to promote such channels to all departments, so that everyone can have their concerns heard efficiently.

2.There has been a lack of communication between the CGCU and the student representatives. (We haven't been reaching out enough.) While most issues are raised and solved within the departments, which is most efficient, CGCU can help solving long lasting departmental problems, or common problems that exist in many departments. I aim to improve upon the channels, for the CGCU to efficiently and actively communicate with the reps, and tackle those stubborn issues.

Thank you for reading! Please vote for me for Education Chair! Next year will only be better!