Photo of Sharanyan Suthan

Sharanyan Suthan

Physics (UG): Departmental Wellbeing Representative


I am Sharanyan Suthan, 3rd year student, running to be your Departmental Wellbeing Representative. Last year I co-led a campaign to provide transparency to students within my year about their year 2 marks. This initiative shows my skill and determination to help students within my cohort regarding their well-being and academic needs.

As your Wellbeing Representative, I aim to create an environment where every physics student can thrive academically and personally. Here's what I plan to bring to the table:

  1. Mental Health Advocacy: I'll destigmatize mental health concerns, organizing workshops and discussions to foster openness and understanding.

  2. Wellbeing Workshops: Hosting sessions on stress management, time optimization, and effective study techniques to empower students with practical tools for success.

  3. Community Building Events: I'll organize events that bring students together outside the classroom, fostering connections and a sense of belonging.

  4. Collaboration with RCSU and Other Societies: I'll actively work with the RCSU and other societies to create more welfare-based events for physics students. Collaborations will allow us to leverage diverse resources and provide a holistic well-being experience.

  5. Feedback Mechanism: Implementing a confidential feedback system to ensure that student concerns and suggestions are heard and addressed effectively.

  6. Accessibility and Inclusivity: I'll advocate for accessible resources and support, ensuring that the physics community is inclusive and accommodating to diverse needs.

In this role, I'm committed to enhancing your experience within the physics department. Let's collaborate to create an environment where every student feels supported, empowered, and ready to excel.