Photo of Aditya Prabakaran

Aditya Prabakaran

Computing (UG): Departmental Wellbeing Representative

Fellow members of the Imperial Computing Department,

I stand before you today as a candidate for the role of Wellbeing Representative, driven by a fervent commitment to enhancing our collective welfare within the department. As we navigate the intricate landscapes of technology and academia, it is paramount that we prioritize our mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

My manifesto is built on two pillars:

  1. Promoting Mental Health Awareness: I pledge to foster an environment where mental health is destigmatized and openly discussed. Implementing regular seminars, workshops, and support groups will provide avenues for us to address stress, anxiety, and burnout. Additionally, advocating for accessible counseling services and creating safe spaces for sharing experiences will be integral to our approach.

  2. Encouraging Work-Life Balance: Striking a harmonious balance between professional responsibilities and personal life is crucial for sustained productivity and happiness. I aim to introduce flexible working hours, remote work options, and initiatives that promote mindfulness and stress reduction techniques. By nurturing a culture that respects boundaries and values downtime, we can cultivate healthier lifestyles for all members of our community.

In conclusion, I humbly ask for your trust and support in championing the wellbeing of our Imperial Computing family. With your collaboration, we can foster a culture of care, resilience, and mutual support that propels us towards excellence in both our academic pursuits and personal growth.

Thank you for considering my candidacy.

Sincerely, AdiPrabs