Photo of Anson To

Anson To

Bioengineering (UG): Departmental Wellbeing Representative

Hi everyone!

It's been my pleasure being your Well-Being Events Officer this year and I have enjoyed working with other wellbeing reps in organizing events for you, such as paint-by-numbers, essential oils blending, snack box in the common room, resolution & feedback write-in etc!

From attending trainings and meetings with other reps and student advisors (Geethma and Sandra), whilst working closely with the Bioengineering Society, I’ve got a good grasp of how event planning, budgeting and liaising with the department works, which leads me to believe I'm a great fit for this role. My role this year also allowed me to identify areas of improvement that I will work on next year:

  • Ensuring wellbeing training is accessible to anyone interested in learning to look after their friends – we know sometimes it can be difficult to reach out to people you’re not very close with
  • Organize socials for students re-joining the department after a year in industry/ interruption of studies/ Intercalating students
  • Establish forms for anonymous feedback and regularly address student concerns with staff.
  • Continue fostering a sense of community through student-staff socials
  • Promoting destigmatization of seeking mental health support
  • Continue organizing a diverse range of well-being events

If elected, I will work tirelessly with other academic and wellbeing reps to ensure that students’ wellbeing are prioritized and are provided with the support they need to thrive at Imperial.

I'm always open to feedback and ideas and I'm looking forward to the change we can create in the coming year.