Photo of Natalie Chan

Natalie Chan

Bioengineering (UG): Departmental Wellbeing Representative

Hello everyone, Natalie here! I'm currently the Year 2 Wellbeing Rep and I've decided to run for the position of Departmental Wellbeing Rep for next year. First plan of action: make cookies (including vegan ones; I could never be a vegan myself but inclusivity) a common occurence, at least once every month. Cookie and Coffee drop-ins anyone? Basically, I would like to create an informal setting for students to meet up and relax, socialise, and catch up with fellow coursemates. By having casual drop-ins with free food, I aim to foster a closer relationship between students and encourage participation in events. I know from experience that free food brings people together and heals the soul. :)

As for my experience, I've both organised and supported a few wellbeing events throughout the past year like Secret Santa, Valentine's Day, Board Games Night, and the Student Staff Social (which I would love to expand on for next year) and I'm looking forward to playing a larger role and collaborating with year reps to create a welcoming and inclusive environment in the department. Furthermore, I would like to work with the events officers to organise mental health and wellbeing workshops, and fun activities such as but not limited to climbing, ice skating, and more exciting trips and excursions.

If I am elected, I will work to improve the student experience and ensure everyone has access to the support they need. Thanks for reading and I hope to earn your vote. :)