Photo of Shivani Welling

Shivani Welling

ICSMSU: Academic Officer (BSc Year)

Hello! I’m Shivani, a current BSc year running to be your Academic Officer (Bsc Year)!

Over my time at ICSM, I’ve had the immense pleasure of being involved in various corners of the ICSM community. I’ve gained invaluable skills from chairing a conference with Haemsoc, representing you as an academic rep in SSLGs, planning and executing events with RAG, as well as crucial transferrable skills from helping design a lifestyle initiative as part of a national charity.

But all my experience didn’t prepare me for what came before and during BSc year, which is why I am absolutely motivated to make sure you’re best equipped to tackle this exciting but unfamiliar challenge.

Main Aims:

Algorithm: Making the BSc allocation algorithm/selection process transparent and changing how Bioengineering and Management are considered to make it more efficient and fair.

Management & Bioengineering: Lobby faculty to allow more students into these BScs where spaces are already available, easing demand and reducing burden on other oversubscribed medical BScs.

AI: Create a central source of information on AI use in assessments and ensure everyone benefits through AI workshops to optimize assessments, something only a handful of BScs currently take advantage of.

External Applications: More support and potentially applying to other universities for oversubscribed courses.

Standardisation: Personally overseeing issues in particular BScs where reps find it difficult to implement changes with BSc leads.

I’ll strive to make you feel supported and heard even if you aren’t currently going into the BSc year! ICSM Love
