Photo of Zelin Shao

Zelin Shao

CGCU: Treasurer

My name is Zelin and I am excited to elect for the position of Treasurer in the upcoming student union elections. As a dedicated and motivated student, I will ensure the financial well-being of our union and enhancing the overall student experience. With your support, I aim to bring positive change, transparency, and responsible fiscal management to our student body. I pledge to promote financial transparency by providing regular, easy-to-understand updates on the union's budget and expenditures.

This year my role in CGCU is alumni officer, having organized multiple events such as the alumni bar night, and the karaoke night. By planning and organizing those events, I have gained plenty of experience in financial budgeting, aiming to keep costs down to offer low-priced tickets for students. This is the reason why I believe that I am capable of being the treasurer next year, as I am very familiar with all the financial aspects within the committee.

My goal for next year is going to be ambitious. To supplement our budget, I will explore innovative and responsible fundraising initiatives, aiming to secure as many sponsors as possible. By collaborating with local businesses, alumni, and other stakeholders, we can secure additional resources without putting an extra burden on student contributions.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to earning your vote in the upcoming election.