Photo of Aditya Sil

Aditya Sil

ICSMSU: Medical Biosciences President

Hi BMB! I'm Adi. As a second-year BMB student, I would not be here today without the friends I have made along the way. Now, I hope to be that friend for you.

As a Year 2 academic representative, I have made great efforts to collate your feedback and fight for your ideas. We have raised various issues flagged by students, including the demand for more exam-preparatory material, better quality ICA feedback, and reduced overlap of deadlines during term time. If elected, I hope to effect systemic change by addressing issues at their root cause.

This term, many of us, including myself, have been frantic over arranging summer work experiences like UROPs. A persistent issue in the UROP application process is the poor transparency around who is actually accepting applicants. Hence, you may write countless speculative emails with little reward. As President, I hope to amend this by establishing legitimate pathways to facilitate this process. I also hope to promote guest lectures from experts in biomedicine to shape your interests, encourage networking, and embellish your CVs.

Finally, if elected, I hope to foster a greater sense of community within BMB by hosting socials such as club nights (possibly at the cult-favourite Slug!), day trips, movie nights, and study groups. If you are like me, you want to make memories at Imperial— and I want to help! While I can not offer free jägerbombs every Wednesday, I do offer my commitment to improving your BMB experience.

Sounds good? Then go vote!