Photo of Hollie Meyers

Hollie Meyers

Ethics and Environment Officer

Hi I’m Hollie, a third year medical student. I have a strong interest in climate protection/education and my current role as campaign coordinator for Plant-based Universities and subsequent interactions with the Union means I feel in a much better position to make change at Imperial.

I attend the Union’s monthly sustainability forums in which I discuss how the Union can initiate change with other student groups. As a result, I would be a great person to represent students as I know what climate-conscious students expect from Imperial and the ways we can go about it.

Though I believe in the huge role of transitioning Imperial's catering, I will support campaigns on other important areas of sustainability: fossil fuel divestment, sustainable transport methods, energy use and waste management.

I’ll use my voice as Ethics and Environmental officer to fight for:

  • more affordable and appealing sustainable food options on campus
  • more financial support/incentive from the union for clubs and societies to organise domestic tours/trips that don’t require flying
  • hold the Union/College accountable for meeting the goals they outlined in their Sustainability Strategy
  • more student involvement in decision making
  • an evaluation of energy use across campus
  • faculties to introduce education on sustainability within their courses/modules
  • better advertisement of the annual Sustainability Week

Imperial is one of the world’s top research universities so it should be leading the way for other institutions in terms of practising what we preach when it comes to sustainability - I believe I can help it do just that!