Photo of Steve Li

Steve Li

Ethics and Environment Officer

Hi! I'm Steve and I am your Ethics and Environment Officer.

I am a third-year Earth science student at the Department of Earth Science and Engineering. I have a strong interest in environmental engineering, especially the water treatment techniques.

Imperial is famous for its strategy to tackle climate change. BAsed on my research experience, I am quite confident that I can do well in this role.

My goals are:

  • Sustainability Campaigns: Lead campaigns to educate students and staff on environmental issues, such as climate change, recycling, energy conservation, and biodiversity. These campaigns can be executed through workshops, guest lectures, or interactive events.

  • Green Initiatives: Launch initiatives to reduce the carbon footprint of the campus. This can include promoting cycling or walking, facilitating a carpooling system, organizing tree planting activities, and advocating for the use of renewable energy sources in campus facilities.

  • Encourage the use of eco-friendly transportation options. This could include improving bicycle facilities on campus, negotiating discounts with local public transportation providers for students, and organizing car-free day events.
  • Advocate for the maintenance and increase of green spaces on campus. This could involve creating or maintaining community gardens, installing green roofs on campus buildings, or setting up beekeeping societies to enhance biodiversity.

  • Promote water conservation measures on campus, like installing low-flow faucets and toilets, and encouraging practices that reduce water usage.