Photo of Daniel Coroama

Daniel Coroama

Electronic & Information Engineering (UG): Departmental Academic Representative

Hi Everyone! I hope your current academic year is going well. You might know me as your current academic departmental representative. I've enjoyed my position for the past year and I hope you did too.

In the past year I've been busy doing these things:

- Had weekly coffee meetings with your DUGS (Director of Undergraduate Studies) to talk about issues and changes in the department

- Chaired and participated in several meetings with other reps and now also in the DTC (Departmental Teaching Committee) which was previously only between staff members.

- Collaborated with several staff members about how more specific module-related things can be improved.

Therefore, these are some achievements:

- A complete restructuring of the 2nd year Summer Project to make it more enjoyable and practical

- Represented student opinion on the upcoming Floor 5 renovations (they should hopefully be finished by September, so you'll see them next year)

- A change to the toolchain for 2nd Year Information Processing (changing to Xilinx FPGAs)

- Pushed for further feedback improvements from module leaders and for FYPs.

- And much more

I am very proud of these things done in the year so far, and I'm also very grateful to the rest of the student reps who have been a massive assistance to me and I really enjoyed collaborating with them. I look forward to also filling this role next year, and carry on pushing for many of the items still on my agenda to make this degree a better place for everyone.