Photo of Lulu Cullen

Lulu Cullen

Biochemistry (UG): Departmental Academic Representative

Hi everyone! I'm Lulu, a 2nd-year biochemistry student and a familiar face on 4th floor. My passion for biochemistry isn't just confined to the labs and lecture halls; I see it as a gateway to making meaningful changes in the world. I aim to channel my enthusiasm into enhancing our course, making it more engaging, relevant, and impactful.

📚Enhancing Academic Engagement and Support

First off, I believe in the power of community and support among students. To enhance our learning experience, I propose:

  • Creating study groups, journal clubs, and vertical peer tutoring sessions to foster collaboration and support across year groups.
  • Introducing more problem classes and practice exam material because practice makes perfect ;).
  • Enhancing course materials with the latest research and developments in biochemistry, linking to the exciting work happening right here at Imperial and keeping our knowledge cutting-edge.

🌍 Incorporating Sustainability and Humanitarian Perspectives

As someone who deeply cares about our planet and its people, I believe our course can do more to reflect the significant role biochemistry plays in addressing global challenges. I propose:

  • Integrating content related to sustainable development goals and the climate crisis into our curriculum, highlighting the innovative solutions biochemists are developing.
  • Organizing seminars and guest lectures focused on the intersection of biochemistry with environmental and humanitarian issues, inspiring us budding biochemists with how we can apply our skills for the greater good.

Got ideas or concerns? Let’s chat! Your vote is your voice—Let’s Catalyze Positive Change Together! 💚