Photo of Caroline Bong

Caroline Bong


Hi Everyone!

I'm Caroline and I am very excited to be running for RAG Chair 2024-2025!

RAG has been an integral part of my uni life. I have been involved in RAG committee for the past two years, most recently taking on the role of secretary. This year, I have organised the event proposals and risk assessments for majority of the RAG events, so I have a fundamental understanding how to run all the RAG events.

I have so many plans to make next year better, including:

  1. Make sure that all events will be dated at the start of the year to avoid disappointment. For example, I am aware of the proximity of RAG week and Fashion Show which is something that needs reviewing
  2. Tackle the current demand for RAG events as majority of our events are sold out. I plan on making sure we are able to negotiate and explore different venues to help accommodate for the growing demand
  3. Continue fostering the volunteering and community environment in RAG by working alongside charities that we had partnered with for freshers volunteering day so there can be more regular volunteering sessions
  4. Provide support to members who would like to organise fundraising events (e.g. runs for charity)

I also believe I will be well equipped to deal with organising my time and stress, having been treasurer for Oncology Society, Academic Officer for AMSA and playing for the 2s Netball Team this year.

Thank you so much for reading my manifesto!

Caroline x