Photo of Jack Swires

Jack Swires

RCSU: Vice President (Education)


I'm Jack and I'm running to be your VPE next year! For the past two years I've been heavily involved in the Representation network, as both a year rep and a department rep. During my time in these positions, I've liaised with staff and students about assesment; attended forums and meetings with the Department, Faculty, and Union; supported the year group reps in their work; and worked with other departmental reps to try and improve student life. I am committed to improving the student experience, and have enjoyed my time doing it so far. For these reasons, I believe I am suited to the role of VPE next academic year.

What do I want to achieve:

  • Put the student voice back into the NSS response. This year the Union, with no reason given, decided to no longer supply dep reps with answers from the NSS. This greatly hindered their work, and limited the student voice. I plan to reverse this decision.
  • Increase inter-departmental collaboration. Dep reps, including myself, this year have already been working on this, and I want to keep it going.
  • Decrease Ambiguity and inonsistencies around UROPs. The application varies widely across departments, and that just doesn't make sense!
  • Continue the positive work done by previous VPEs.

I hope that this can convince you that I have both commitment and will to affect positive change for the education of all in FoNS. So please Vote for me.

Thank you. If you have any questions, please email me!