Photo of Lee Obersteller

Lee Obersteller

RCSU: Secretary

Hi everyone! My name is Lee and I'm a second year Biology student, I am really excited to be running to be your next RCSU Secretary!

As Secretary, I'll ensure that the RSCU runs smoothly and efficiently: with effective, clear and targeted-oriented meeting notes and records; exciting and well managed union shop with merchandise that reflects our identity and interests. Although I'm new to the RCSU committee, I'm committed to upholding the legacy of previous years while bringing fresh ideas and energy to the union.

Experience and Skills:

  • Leadership: I have plenty of experience in leadership roles both within Imperial and from before (e.g. Academic Rep, Head Prefect for Student Voice etc.)
  • Merchandise Experience: Working part-time at the union shop and Hollister Co. has given me an understanding of merchandise management and customer service
  • Communication: I am an excellent communicator, able to convey information clearly, simply and for it to be accessible to everyone


  • Consistent & clear communication through newsletters
  • Efficient & effective Union Shop
  • Ensuring RCSU is organised, and operates smoothly
  • Bring new and exciting energy and ideas to RCSU

I look forward to being able to contribute to the RCSU and working with you all to make our union even stronger. Thank you for considering me for this position!