Photo of Imam Ferdaus

Imam Ferdaus

RCSU: Vice President (Activities)

My first words were "RCSU: Vice President (Activities)"

Ever since the day I was born, I have dreamt of being RCSU: Vice President (Activities), thousands of sceptics over the world came to my miraculous inception so that they could gaze upon the man who would one day be in charge of all RCSU activities. The sole reason I applied to Imperial is so that one day I could achieve my dream of being RCSU: Vice President (Activities).

Throughout my 2 year tenure at Imperial, I have attended some disappointing activities and events. We all know there is no worse pain than spending your hard-earned maintenance loan on an event so bad, it made you question your choice to attend Imperial. That is why, when I become RCSU: Vice President (Activities) I promise to organize and oversee activities that will be sure to meet the needs and wants of our incredibly diverse student population, this includes but is not limited to inter-departmental competitions, live music events, talent shows, as well as running the usual activities we all know and love.

I promise that with me at the steering wheel of our beloved mascot Jezebel, will put on the kind of activities we Imperial students truly deserve!

(I'm the brown one)