Photo of Daichi Kahtava

Daichi Kahtava

JMC (UG): Departmental Academic Representative

JMC is hard.

The academic material is a given, but there are several other points that bring about unnecessary difficulty and complexity:

  • Inconsistent interface for course material: Having to check 8 different outlets for important information from both departments gets tiring quickly (Blackboard, Scientia, EdStem, Outlook, GitHub, lecturers' personal websites x 10).
  • Inconsistent course note quality: No-one likes looking through 300 pages of powerpoint slides averaging 5 words per slide (Computing 👀).
  • Inconsistent timetabling: My notifications and calendar are cluttered with modules I don't take.
  • Lack of communication between modules/depts: It's nice to relearn De Morgan's 3/4 times in different modules but not when prior knowledge of assembly language is assumed.
  • Inconsistent assessment feedback: grade averages/percentile rankings are provided for single subject students, with scattered JMC statistics attached as an afterthought.
  • Downplaying issues just because it's JMC and it's supposed to be hard: "That sucks but it's JMC 🤓" (proceeds to do nothing about it)

Academic difficulty is welcomely(?) accepted, but unnecessary obstacles are indeed unnecessary. However, with feedback, things start to slowly change so that these become more manageable. I aim to encourage and facilitate detailed feedback between students and the department so that the challenge of the degree is enjoyable, rather than a joint triple course in maths, computing, and chasing after loose ends.