Photo of Hettie Holmes

Hettie Holmes

RSMU: Treasurer

Hi everyone, my name is Hettie,

I'm currently a 3rd year Geology student, and i'm running to be next years RSMU treasurer. This year, i have been HonSec of the RSM, where i have learnt all the ins and outs of organising RSM life from within the executive commitee. I would love to be Treasurer next year, as I think it would really interest me, to deal with all of the finances going on behind the events I have previously been involved in organising.

With some past work experience in accounting and sales, I already have knowledge of finanicals, and I have a keen interest to keep on learning more! If i were to be voted into the position, i would work hard to make sure all of our precious student loans are as unhurt by RSM events as possible, while hopefully taking us as a CU closer to start making money!